Falling on my (expletive) in the Snow...
I walked home in the snow today. The snow was lightly covering the entire world in a very thin layer of powder. I was walking pretty fast because it was cold outside. At this point all of the ground looked the same, no immediate problems, and the snow was soft so I didn't slip on it. But randomly, underneath that thin layer of snow, there were ice patches from the last snowfall that had solidified. So to my eyes, there is no difference between the non-ice and the ice patches. No warning. No preperation. So when my foot hit the ice under the snow, I made a feet towards the sky slip and landed on my back on the ground. It didn't hurt, in fact I laughed histerically.
I thought it was a good analogy for life. When I can see the problems ahead of me (ice on the ground without snow) I can prepare myself for what's coming up next. I can slow my steps, be careful, watch. But it's the times that you don't see it coming that hurt you. "The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind. The kind that blindside you on some idle Tuesday." -Baz Luhrmann.
Random Thoughts on a Snowy Day:
- Straylight Run is awesome. One lyric in their music says:
So if you made it,
Just be glad that you did and stay there.
If you ever feel loved or needed,
Remember that you're one of the lucky ones.
I agree, and I want to thank those who make me feel loved and needed. (you are tagged. Not all of you, just some of you)
- Snow is absolutely gorgeous. Just looking at it makes me peaceful.
- I'm happy today.
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