Christian Catch Phrases...
I am going to come up with a new word/phrase that will mean, "what you have just said is not practical and only sounds good." Is there already a word like that? For example...if a person says that God will lift them out of their sadness, or let God worry about your future, or my personal favorite, just lay it at the feet of the cross, there is little/no actual good from it. It only sounds like the Christian thing to say.
I had a conversation with one of my friends and he kept telling me to 'give it up to Jesus.' I know what he is saying, "I'm a Christian and I've heard this phrase a thousand times and it seems to fit in this situation" But I think i'm starting to lose it when I keep hearing all of these Christian catch phrases.
The word I am currently using to describe this sort of talk is unchristicality. Meaning Unpractical Christianity. I like the word. Unchristicality. I hear unchristical things in sermons, on facebook notes, and from my own mouth. It's really making me mad. So the next time someone comes to you for advice, don't say the unchristical thing. Say what you REALLY think.
Kevin... I like your word. It rolls off of my tongue very nicely, and I think it bears a deep meaning. I've more to say, but not right now because I'm short on time... But I like it.
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