Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Birthday Times...

My birthday for this year is bittersweet... the beer I'm legally allowed to drink. (smile)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Catcher in the Garden State...

Right now I'm really into both Catcher in the Rye and the movie Garden State. I made a connection finally as to why...they are both coming of age stories. In both of them, Holden and Largeman are both finding out who they are and why they are the way that they are. Especially in Garden State.

I think the reason that I like them is because I can relate. Life sucks, and we are all figuring that out. Things beyond are control are causing us to be the people we are. And that pisses me off. I want to be in control. I want to say God is in control, but that seems like a formality. I need some practicality to join along side of all of these phrases of Christiandom. Maybe that's because I lack faith.

Holden Caulfield is genuine. That's why I like him. Andrew Largeman is confused. Thats' why I like him. I'm that way too, but I don't like myself. Interesting how that is. If anyone out there knows some other coming of age movies/books (more movies than books) send me a message so that I can watch/read (more watching) them.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

List of Priorities...

My dad would be proud of me (not for the list...but for actually thinking about my priorities):

1. God (this is probably a formality, but ideally he does belong in the numero uno spot)
2. Friends/Relationships (I realize that school/work/family probably should go here...but i'm trying the honesty thing)
3. Not sinning (habitual/purposeful/unexpected...trying not to sin is actually probably a bad thing...i learned that in a convo with Dr. Delort. Trying not to sin = still focusing on the sin. I should have 3. Striving for righteousness...but hey...)
4. Grey's Anatomy, Arrested Development, Lost, and Friends (I have seen all of the last three but I have yet to finish season 2 of Grey's Anatomy... oh yeah add 24 to the list...i just borrowed it and I'm way excited)
5. Staying up past 3am (I don't know why...but apparently this is a priority for me because I find myself doing things like writing blogs if it's not 3 yet)
6. Trying to figure myself out
7. Famous Dave's (I am a cook and I'm trying...if you come and tell me to make your food i'll give you extra!)
8. Baseball/Basketball (these two go together for me, I'm playing both and i'm freaking out about the time obligation they will have)
9. Listening to new music (Sufjan Stevens, Iron and Wine, The Shins, Derek Webb, The Fray, and Ben Folds you have elevated yourselves to the top of my playlist. Jack, now have competition.)
10. Trying to keep up with old friends (Highschool people - I haven't seen you all in forever call me sometime. oxford people - you have no idea how much I miss you and our little island experience. i think of that trip and you all at least twice a day)
11. School work (I find myself doing all of the other 10 things before I do my homework so school work must go down here)

Things you will not find on my priorities list
1. Keeping my crap clean (Tim, I'm seriously day it shall be clean for more than 3 hours)
2. Reading (I want it to be on my priorities list, but it isn't)
3. Eating healthily
4. Taking care of my sick body

This was my list of priorities. Thanks for playing along.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Go Figure...

For the first time in my college career, my stupidity, laziness, and procrastination have caught up to me. In typical myself fashion I waited to do my homework untill the day before it was due. Last Monday I had this to do: 1 class, baseball practice, and homework. Homework consisted of a 2000 word paper, writing a one page paper, reading 6 chapters in textbooks, and doing 1 exercise that would take 30 min. or so. For anyone with any sense of accomplishment and time management this is easily accomplished.

By 12:00 I had not done ANY of my homework! Instead, I went out with Lauren 1 & 2 and Abby to get Grey's Anatomy season 2. I then continued to watch 3 episodes until 3:00am. So at 3:00 I decide to START my homework. After being forced to skip two classes and forget the exercise I did accomplish what I set out to do.

Coincidentally I am now sick, due to my lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and the fact that I played sports for the first time in 8 months. Go figure, huh? After 20 years of putting life off, it has finally caught up with me. Or has it? is 10:00 now and you would think I would have learned my lesson...but no! I have a presentation, 3 chapters, and 5 exercises due tomorrow by 1:30pm and I am thinking about leaving to go hang out with people tonight and do my homework in the wee hours of day I guess I'll grow up. (but then life would be boring)

to be cognitively aware of my own foolishness, but not care. What a fool I am...well anyway, I'm out! Grey's Anatomy or Arrested Development here I come...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Eagles are beautiful...

Yesterday I played golf with Daniel Mar in Marion. The round was horrible, I shot a 94 and it was sad. With the exception of the most glorious hole, number 17. Number 17 is a 497 yard hole that has the wind at your back and flows downhill. It is a straight shot from the tee box to the green. It was on this day, yesterday, that I drove the ball an amazing 325 yards. (wind at back and downhill remember) My next shot was a 6 iron that went 173 yards. Yes that's right. I went 498 yards in two shots on a 497 yard hole. Then I tapped in my 3 foot EAGLE shot.

In case you want to jump straight to the moral of this story. I GOT AN EAGLE!!!! First time ever, and I am so happy. So very very happy.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A drinking Christian...NEVER...

I was talking to Josh Tedder about work and we got on the subject of alcohol. I was commenting on how everyone at Famous Dave's drinks every weekend. And he said, "Kevin, everyone in college drinks except Christians. In highschool only the popular people drank, but in college, the nerds, the jocks, the artsy people, the everyones drink." I have come back from a culture where everyone drinks. But it's so much different here in America. In America, it is a social or at least Christian taboo to drink. So rebellion and alcohol are seen as one in the same. And nobody rebels in moderation. Nobody rebels intelligently. Rebellion comes in excess, indulgence, and drunken kegers. This is why I think we need to lower the drinking age and I think we need to lower our legalism in the church. If we can take the edge of alcohol. Make it not a big deal. See a guy drinking with his buddies and not think he is a sinner who is going to hell. Then we might have some progression. Alcohol isn't the problem. It's people's views on alcohol. (and I will probably be berated for this post...eye roll...)

Monday, September 04, 2006


I am a whore
I do confess

If you have ever listened to Derek Webb, that statement makes a lot more sense. The short explanation goes that basically I am just like Gomer in the story of Hosea. I am a whore whom God has chosen to make his bride. But I keep running away and coming back.

I really want to thank some people for their encouragement to me lately. Encouragement is a good thing. No matter where it comes from or who says it. Kayla, your awesome. I read your email and you're amazing. Clarke. I don't even understand how you do it, but every time I talk to you I feel good. Peaceful. Brad, you're engaged. And that brings encouragement to me.