Sunday, November 26, 2006

Passion 07...

Calling all interested. I want to take a road trip to Passion 07. It's in Atlanta, Georgia. It will cost 130 for the ticket if you sign up before December 1st. I have a vehicle. I will pick you up if you live anywhere from Nortan, KS to Atlanta. I will most likely have free housing.

This trip has changed my life...literally. Better than any Christian conference I've ever been to...including CIY. Better speakers, better music, better everything. I want to go. And if I mention you in this post I want you to go with me. I need to know before the end of the like 2 or 3 days. Please come...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Unbelievable. I mean totally unbelievable. This movie was rediculous. I have never laughed so hard, nor been so offended. He attacked everyone. No one was safe at all. It was an all out attack on every possible American culture. Borat went to a gay pride parade, feminist group, episcopal church service, hick rodeos, jewish bed and breakfast...and attacked them all. I do not recommend this movie at all. That is my official stance. But man, you should go see it...haha. If you have a weak heart or get offended easily, save the $7.75. But if you want to laugh so hard that you cry, or want to cover your eyes during naked men fighting in a hotel room, or want to drop your jaw in shock, go see it.

I tagged everyone who would be offended by this movie...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sexpert Hubbard

Yeah. I know what your thinking. Well actually I don't know what your thinking. But either way, I'll explain. First, last semester I was a part of a pannel which talked about sex and marriage. Where I found 25 people in opposition to my basic beliefs about purity. I couldn't believe it. Next, today in counseling class me and Kallie had to lead another sex-filled discussion. It was all legit, mom and dad, don't worry. But for both of these experiences I had a nametag that said Sexpert Hubbard. It's a joke...sorry if it offends.

Anyway, here's what I took out of the class. Dr. Greg Delort is awesome. I'm seriously like a sponge soaking up his wisdom. Sorry if that came off weird. But he said that he wants to change the idea of sex in our culture. He says that sex is equal to getting off. In other words, it's all about pleasure. Even in Christian context. I've heard tons of people say, "man, I can't wait to have sex." I've even said a few times myself. But what I'm really saying is, "man, I can't wait till I can have pleasure." That is wrong. Simply wrong. It's not all about me. It's not about me getting mine. I'm finally starting to figure that out...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Waiting Room?...

When I was in highschool I came up with this analogy of life in the world. Basically it was that we were in a giant waiting room and a force was pushing us towards two doors. The waiting room is the world, the force is time, and the doors are heaven and hell. I thought it was a good analogy that I used in devotions and mini-sermons, things like that.

Today I watched Rob Bell's Nooma video 'Trees.' In this video he totally attacks the idea that this world is a waiting room. (He uses that exact phrase) He talks about a Christian radio personality who said that a Christian is someone who hopes and waits for the return of Jesus so that we can have a better life. But then Rob Bell talks about how Jesus wasn't a God of sitting around and waiting. He was a God of action, of bettering your life, of participating in a world that need aid and help and joy. It's not about waiting around to die. It's about doing it. (Just do it -Andrew Schey and Jacob Starkey)

The next thing I thought of was the Cole Bennett/C.S. Lewis idea of how heaven beginning now. The idea that heaven is not a place that we go in the future...but rather it's something that we are a part of right now. Jesus did say that the Kingdom of Heaven is here. But I thought of it because of Rob Bell's attack on the view of compartmentalizing our life. Meaning that we are in a part of our life and when it's over we will go to another place. That when we finally die, we leave behind this fallen place and go to a place that is perfect. That idea still seems great. It still seems wonderful. It makes me want to die right now and go to that place. But if I understand what Rob Bell is saying, it's not about the next life. It's not about getting everyone to believe the same thing I do so that we can go off to another place together. It's about the here and now. The service, the love, the joy, the action, the now.

I don't know if I believe Rob Bell. He's challenging me. And I like it.