Discovering my *** Ways...
Today at work I discovered that I can really be a pain in the ***. I'm having a normal conversation with one of my friends when a song comes on the radio. We all start talking about how much love the song. Anyway, we get into a minor argument about when the song first came out, I said early highschool, he said college, normal guy conversation, nothing out of the ordinary. But then I carried it on. I wouldn't shut up about being right. I had to prove that I was right, and ended up making a total *** of myself.
About 20 minutes later I realize how much of an *** I was, but by now I can't say anything because it sounds stupid if I apologize because I don't know if he thought it was a big deal or if he even thought I was being a jerk. I realize I could have taken this straight from my highschool years and it's foolish and jouvenile and all of that, but nevertheless, I learned a valuable lesson.
DON'T BE AN ***.