Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Falling on my (expletive) in the Snow...

I walked home in the snow today. The snow was lightly covering the entire world in a very thin layer of powder. I was walking pretty fast because it was cold outside. At this point all of the ground looked the same, no immediate problems, and the snow was soft so I didn't slip on it. But randomly, underneath that thin layer of snow, there were ice patches from the last snowfall that had solidified. So to my eyes, there is no difference between the non-ice and the ice patches. No warning. No preperation. So when my foot hit the ice under the snow, I made a feet towards the sky slip and landed on my back on the ground. It didn't hurt, in fact I laughed histerically.

I thought it was a good analogy for life. When I can see the problems ahead of me (ice on the ground without snow) I can prepare myself for what's coming up next. I can slow my steps, be careful, watch. But it's the times that you don't see it coming that hurt you. "The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind. The kind that blindside you on some idle Tuesday." -Baz Luhrmann.

Random Thoughts on a Snowy Day:
- Straylight Run is awesome. One lyric in their music says:
So if you made it,
Just be glad that you did and stay there.
If you ever feel loved or needed,
Remember that you're one of the lucky ones.
I agree, and I want to thank those who make me feel loved and needed. (you are tagged. Not all of you, just some of you)

- Snow is absolutely gorgeous. Just looking at it makes me peaceful.

- I'm happy today.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Icelandic Bands are my life's soundtrack...

I hate being alone. Not the 'alone without a girlfriend' alone, those people drive me nuts. Right now I'm sitting at my computer typing this and listening to Sigur Ros. Probably not the smartest idea when you feel a little down, because Sigur Ros makes me contemplate life. If you ever have the chance, turn all the lights off in your room, play Sigur Ros on a medium volume, and sit down. It's beautifully solemn.

The problem though, is doing that, makes you say things like, "I hate being alone."

I still hate being alone.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Obituary of (Ted)...

Teddy Bear Hubbard (Ted), the single greatest animal to roam this planet, died today of old age and pneumonia. He leaves behind an owner, my father Brad, and three family members that love him very much (Karen, my mom, Kayla and myself).

He was a golden retreiver and chow mix. His size and hair matched the golden retreiver giving him the most beautiful color. And his mane looked like a chows. He looked like a small lion of somesort, but had the temperment of your favorite stuffed animal.

The only mean thing he ever did was bite me when i tried to take away a hot chocolate package away from him within the first 3 months of owning him. Other than that, he was pure love. Ted, you will be missed. I love you and always will.

If I mentioned you in this note, it was because I thought you would want to know because you knew him and petted him.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Children in Africa are Wildebeests...

Today in my intro to Missions class, the term 4/14 window was talked about. This is a spin-off of the 10/40 window but deals with the age that people are most likely to accept Christ (ages 4-14). In the definition it said that this was the time that people are most vulnerable. does that just spin around in my head all wrong. When I think of vulnerable, I think of those Animal Planet shows where the alligator is 3 feet away from the little Wildebeest who is just trying to get a drink of water.

I garauntee it's me that is twisted and not the definition. But the instant I heard that missionaries should be looking for the vulnerable ones, I immediately thought of wildebeests.

Monday, January 15, 2007

the next 21...

Write the names of the last 21 people that wrote on your wall, and then answer the questions.

1. Lauren Ingram
2. Cameron Stevenson
3. Cathy Drenth
4. Tara Hughes
5. Lauren James
6. Josh Lewis
7. Cole McGee
8. Hannah Trout
9. Lindsay Sekoch
10. Blake Sabiston
11. Jordon Strom
12. Sara Brown
13. Megan Rose
14. Jessica Forbes
15. Ryan Kluttz
16. Gwen Oltman
17. Jaime Wiebe
18. Jen Miller
19. Jenna Solem
20. Barry Whitt
21. Kay Peterson

How did you meet 21?
I met Kay my sophomore year of highschool at a 5th quarter party at the old Westlink. She was the one who was spastically dancing and I asked one of my friends who she was and she replied, "that's Kay Peterson." "Oh yeah, I've heard of her." Who knew the level of friendship that would follow only 5 years later. (and yes, Kay, that is the first time I ever knew who you were)

What would you do if you had never met 6?
Well I know I wouldn't have been campused my freshman year when I snuck out to hang out with my girlfriend. I left a note on Brad's desk saying not to worry that I was out late and Josh Lewis confiscated it and campused me. Jerk.

Who is 20 to you?
Barry is a guy from my church who I LOVED getting to know over the past few summers. He is an incredibly knowledged guy about things and is a blast to have a good conversation with. He's also quite all you ladies should pay attention!

What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
This is a bad question because they are both guys and neither of them know the other. Plus Ryan is getting married next summer so I don't think Susie would like it too much if he dated a dude.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
I'm sure I've at least thought about crying when Tara sends me all sorts of love messages and candies in the mail. She is an amazing friend to all and I am lucky to have her on my top 21 list!

Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?
Not one bit. Even though it would make a good soap opera. The husband cheats on his wife with her one time roommate and sign in book lady at her wedding. I can see the headlines now...

Would 14 and 16 make a good couple?
Well lets see. Both of these girls are attractive, fun to talk with, and can get along with anyone. I can't say that they wouldn't, with the one exception that neither of them are gay.

Describe 7:
Cole McGee is a character like no other person. One of the most insightful people I've ever met and does absolutely nothing cliche. He listens to hard-core metal screaming while treating his girlfriend wonderfully. He once shaved his entire head (eyebrows too) and yet inspires me in so many ways.

Do you love 17?
Very much so. She is my cousin and I love her with all of my heart. And the more I get to know her the more I respect her. She also has amazingly good music tastes.

Do you think that 18 is attractive?
I do. She's a great girl and cuts my hair every once in a while. Jen you are attractive and I would fight anyone who said otherwise!

Tell me something about 11:
Jordan is an extraordinary individual. He appears to be an overall good guy and a person who can get along with almost anyone. He's also good at basketball. Better than me.

What's 7's favorite color?
My first guess would be black, but I'll say green, because they say geniuses pick green.

When was the last time that you talked to number 9?
Face to face it was to ask her on a TV date while coming back from a 14 hour basketball trip. She said yes...phew!

What language does 19 speak?
Arizonian. I really can't figure her out at all.

Who is 12 going out with?
To be completely honest I have no clue. I could look it up but that seems like it's cheating. Sorry Sara, we need to talk!!!!

What year is 15 in?
Ryan is a Junior with me at MCC.

What is 5's favorite music?
Ummm...I'm not sure specifically, but I do know she likes that stupid High School Musical a lot. So that should tell you something.

Would you ever date 10?
In a freakin heartbeat. Blake. Hmmm...wink.

Would you ever date 2?
Ummm...Cameron I think we'd kill eachother.

Where does 18 live?
Jen sorry...i really don't know...oops.

What's the best thing about 3?
that she is absolutely crazy. you never know what you're going to get when you hang out with this one.

What would you like to tell 13 right now?
that I got this here idea from your post. Thanks a bunch!

How did you meet 1?
First day of school i'm sure. She was in my girlfriend floor and we hit it off like a rocket! It was good times!

What is the best thing about 14?
That she is a mad competitor at the movie quote game. ok, that isnt' the best thing about her, there are tons of better ones than that, but I just can't think of them right now.

Crying and Snot Licking...

Truth or Dare is a dangerous game to play on a bus. One minute you could be sitting there, lost in your misery trying to read David Crowder's book (incredible but difficult to read without crying) and the next minute you are licking somone's finger who was previoiusly covered with snot. I guess I deserved it somehow...

Also, 14 hours was a rediculously long way to go for just one win.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Woke up today, to everything grey....

Woke up today to everything grey
And all that I saw just kept goin on and on
Sweep all the pieces under the bed
Close all the curtains and cover my head
Josh Tedder wrote a note talking about what we think about when we wake up. Basically asking us what our drives our lives and what meaning we find out of our existence. I have no idea. I feel pretty lost and confused. And I'm also pretty sure I've gone through the entire myriad of emotions over the last semester. And all the colors have mixed grey. (I must be on a musical lyric kick right now, because I've hit up guster and dave)

Ever feel that way? Of course you have, you're human. What happened next?